Lightning Detection Policy and Procedures
Perry Weather Lightning Detection Stations
The Colony Parks and Recreation Department makes safety a top priority at all of our facilities. As such, Perry Weather lightning detection stations have been installed at these facilities in The Colony:
• The Colony Five Star Complex – Located on the southwest light pole of field #7
• Baseball & Softball Practice Complex – Located on minor field right field light pole
• Turner Athletic Complex – Located on the southwest light pole of field #1
The following procedures are to be followed when lightning has been detected:
Warning Signal:
When lightning has been detected within 10 miles of the facility, the Perry Weather station will produce a warning signal. The signal consists of one long 15-second horn blast, and a yellow warning light will begin to flash. The yellow warning light will continue to flash until the all clear signal has sounded.
All Clear Signal:
The all clear signal will consist of three short horn blasts, two seconds apart, and the yellow warning light will stop flashing. This signal will occur once 30-minutes has passed from the last lightning strike detected within 10 miles of the facility.
Safety Procedures:
1. Once the warning signal has sounded, all activities at the facility will be suspended immediately. Patrons and players must exit all playing fields and open areas, and seek shelter in their cars or other indoor facilities. They should not use a tree for shelter, and should keep away from metal objects such as fences, bats, umbrellas, etc.
2. Once the warning signal has sounded indicating that lighting has been detected within 10 miles of the facility, a 30-minute delay will begin before the all clear signal will sound. Please note that after the initial warning signal if there is another lighting strike within 10 miles, the horn will not sound again but the 30-minute delay will restart. Activities may be delayed longer than 30-minutes if there are multiple lightning strikes. The yellow warning light will flash throughout the entire delay.
3. Once 30-minutes has passed from the last lightning strike within 10 miles of the facility, the all clear signal will sound.
4. All patrons must wait until the all clear signal has sounded before activities may resume.
The Perry Weather lightning detection station helps assess the conditions; neither the signal nor the system is intended to guarantee that conditions are safe. If the weather is threatening and no warning signal is heard or seen, use good judgment and clear the facility if deemed necessary. Do not wait for the warning signal to activate, as the system could malfunction.